How to say Water in German?
What does Wasser mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Water is translated in German by...
Das Wasser
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ich trinke gern Wasser.
I gladly drink water.
I gladly drink water.
Ist das Wasser hier rein?
Is the water pure here?
Is the water pure here?
Das Wasser war total klar.
The water was totally clear.
The water was totally clear.
Ich habe für heute genug Wasser.
I have enough water for today.
I have enough water for today.
Könnte ich bitte noch etwas mehr Wasser haben?
Could I have some more water?
Could I have some more water?
Sie mag kaltes Wasser ohne Eis.
She likes cold water without ice.
She likes cold water without ice.
Wie viel Wasser hast du getrunken?
How much water did you drink?
How much water did you drink?
Das Wasser des Schwimmbads ist türkis.
The pool water is turquoise.
The pool water is turquoise.
Wirklich? War das Wasser nicht zu kalt?
Really? Wasn't the water too cold?
Really? Wasn't the water too cold?
Mein Hund mag es, im Wasser zu laufen.
My dog likes to run in the water.
My dog likes to run in the water.
Ich möchte bitte ein großes Glas Wasser.
I would like a big glass of water, please.
I would like a big glass of water, please.
Ich möchte dieses kalte Wasser trinken.
I would like to drink this cold water.
I would like to drink this cold water.
Ist das Wasser tief genug, um zu tauchen?
Is the water deep enough to dive?
Is the water deep enough to dive?
Ich würde etwas Wasser brauchen, um weiterzulaufen.
I would need some water to keep running.
I would need some water to keep running.
Du hieltest während des Laufens an, um Wasser zu trinken.
You stopped running to drink water.
You stopped running to drink water.