How to say Well in German?
What does Gut mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Yeah, everything went well.

They suit you very well.

Very well, thank you. And you?

The kids are going well.

Hi Georg! It's going very well!

You sing this song very well.

I didn't understand well.

She plays the piano very well.

Thank you. You're looking well, Georg.

You used to dance very well together.

We remember that day very well.

Very well, thank you. What is your name?

He can sing very well for his age.

I think you would get along very well.

One day, they will swim very well.

They liked her song, she sang it very well.

When I try to stop, they don't respond well.

I believe that we will work well together.

No, the school is great. I do quite well there.

You seem tired, did you sleep well last night?