How to say Wet in Italian?
What does Bagnato mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Wet is translated in Italian by...
Bagnato (m) / Bagnata (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Perché è tutto bagnato?
Why is he all wet?
Why is he all wet?
Il bagno è tutto bagnato.
The bathroom is all wet.
The bathroom is all wet.
Tu esci fuori dall'acqua e i tuoi vestiti sono tutti bagnati.
You are getting out of the water and your clothes are all wet.
You are getting out of the water and your clothes are all wet.
Il pavimento diventa scivoloso quando è bagnato.
The floor becomes slippery when it is wet.
The floor becomes slippery when it is wet.
More Example Sentences.
Il pelo di Milo è un po' bagnato.
Milo's coat is a little wet.
Milo's coat is a little wet.
Ora è tutto bagnato, pieno di latte.
Now it's all wet, full of milk.
Now it's all wet, full of milk.
Non sopporto l'idea di essere tutto bagnato.
I can't stand the idea of being all wet.
I can't stand the idea of being all wet.
Gli chiedo anche se accetterebbe di prendere persone in costume da bagno ancora un po' bagnate.....
I also ask him if he would accept to take people in swimsuits and still a little wet...
I also ask him if he would accept to take people in swimsuits and still a little wet...