How to say What in French?

What does Quoi mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “What” in French? What is the meaning of “Quoi”?

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

C'est bien! Comme quoi?
That's good! Like what?
Et tu fais quoi exactement?
And what do you do exactly?
Je ne sais pas quoi choisir.
I don't know what to choose.
Je ne sais pas quoi choisir.
I don't know what to choose.
Le patron nous dira quoi faire.
The boss will tell us what to do.
Dis donc! Tu n'as pas de mémoire ou quoi?
Oh boy! You don't have any memory or what?
J'ai menti à mon père et je ne sais pas quoi faire.
I lied to my father and I don't know what to do.
Oui, on essaie. Et toi? Tu as fait quoi hier soir?
Yes, we're trying. And you? What did you do last night?
Il a su quoi faire pour éteindre le feu rapidement.
He knew what to do to extinguish the fire quickly.
C'est ce à quoi ressemble un ballon de football américain.
That is what a ball looks like in American football.


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