How to say When in French?
What does Quand mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Quand es-tu arrivé?
When did you get here?
When did you get here?
C'est quand le prochain examen?
When is the next exam?
When is the next exam?
Quand souhaitez-vous partir?
When do you wish to leave?
When do you wish to leave?
Quand est-ce qu'on peut se rencontrer?
When can we meet?
When can we meet?
Quand avez-vous déménagé ici?
So, when did you move here?
So, when did you move here?
Quand est-ce que je peux te revoir?
When can I see you again?
When can I see you again?
Et quand souhaitez-vous revenir?
And when do you wish to return?
And when do you wish to return?
Tu es belle quand tu souris.
You're pretty when you smile.
You're pretty when you smile.
J'adore quand il fait beau.
I love when it's nice out.
I love when it's nice out.
Quand est-ce que vous pourriez commencer?
When could you start?
When could you start?
Tu dormais quand je suis venu.
You were sleeping when I came.
You were sleeping when I came.
Appelle-moi quand tu arriveras chez toi.
Call me when you get home.
Call me when you get home.
Écoute-moi quand je te parle!
Listen to me when I'm talking to you!
Listen to me when I'm talking to you!
Tu souriais quand tu patinais.
You were smiling when you were skating.
You were smiling when you were skating.
Depuis quand habitez-vous en France?
Since when do you live in France?
Since when do you live in France?
Je détestais quand tu m'engueulais.
I used to hate when you were yelling at me.
I used to hate when you were yelling at me.
Elle comprend quand nous lui expliquons.
She understands when we explain it to her.
She understands when we explain it to her.
Je jouais de la guitare quand j'étais petit.
I used to play guitar when I was little.
I used to play guitar when I was little.
Quand est-ce que la construction sera terminée?
When will the construction be done?
When will the construction be done?
Essaie de bien t'habiller quand tu prends l'avion.
Try to dress nice when you take a flight.
Try to dress nice when you take a flight.
Elle apprend mieux quand elle étudie dehors.
She learns better when she studies outside.
She learns better when she studies outside.
Tu es toujours heureuse quand tu te réveilles.
You are always happy when you wake up.
You are always happy when you wake up.
Elle a souri quand je lui ai montré la photo.
She smiled when I showed her the picture.
She smiled when I showed her the picture.
Elle se réveillera quand son alarme sonnera.
She will wake up when her alarm goes off.
She will wake up when her alarm goes off.
Quand j'essaie de m'arrêter, ils ne répondent pas bien.
When I try to stop, they don't respond well.
When I try to stop, they don't respond well.
J'habitais sur une ferme quand j'étais plus jeune.
I used to live on a farm when I was younger.
I used to live on a farm when I was younger.
Ils demandent de l'aide quand ils ne comprennent pas.
They ask for help when they don't understand.
They ask for help when they don't understand.
Vous rirez quand vous arrêterez d'être si sérieux.
You will laugh when you stop being so serious.
You will laugh when you stop being so serious.
Elle partira quand elle aura fini tout son travail.
She will leave when she is done all her work.
She will leave when she is done all her work.
Tu comprenais tout quand tu étais jeune.
You used to understand everything when you were young.
You used to understand everything when you were young.
Oui, surtout quand on ne peut pas suivre leurs colis.
Yes, especially when we cannot trace their packages.
Yes, especially when we cannot trace their packages.
J'ai presque pleuré de joie quand l'avion est arrivé.
I almost cried of happiness when the plane arrived.
I almost cried of happiness when the plane arrived.
Tu criais quand nous glissions en bas de la colline.
You were yelling when we were sliding down the hill.
You were yelling when we were sliding down the hill.