How to say When in Italian?
What does Quando mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Quando ti rivedrò?
When can I see you again?
When can I see you again?
Quando vuole partire?
When do you wish to leave?
When do you wish to leave?
Quando ci possiamo incontrare?
When can we meet?
When can we meet?
Quando potrebbe cominciare?
When could you start?
When could you start?
Quando inizia il film?
When does the movie start?
When does the movie start?
E quando desidera tornare?
And when do you wish to return?
And when do you wish to return?
Sei bella quando sorridi.
You're pretty when you smile.
You're pretty when you smile.
Chiamami quando arrivi a casa.
Call me when you get home.
Call me when you get home.
Quindi, quando ti sei trasferita qui?
So when did you moved here?
So when did you moved here?
Quando parti per l'Europa?
When are you leaving for Europe?
When are you leaving for Europe?
Quando ha iniziato ad avere problemi?
When did you start having problems?
When did you start having problems?
Tu sorridevi quando giocavi.
You used to smile when you were playing.
You used to smile when you were playing.
Voi piangerete quando Maria arriverà.
You will cry when Maria arrives.
You will cry when Maria arrives.
Tu stavi dormendo quando sono arrivato.
You were sleeping when I came.
You were sleeping when I came.
Quando sarà finita la costruzione?
When will the construction be done?
When will the construction be done?
Tu sei sempre felice quando ti svegli.
You are always happy when you wake up.
You are always happy when you wake up.
Io suonavo la chitarra quando ero giovane.
I used to play guitar when I was young.
I used to play guitar when I was young.
Andiamo in piscina quando fa caldo fuori.
We go at the pool when it's hot out.
We go at the pool when it's hot out.
Lei impara meglio quando studia fuori.
She learns better when she studies outside.
She learns better when she studies outside.
Noi guidavamo quando il motore si fermò.
We were driving when the engine stopped.
We were driving when the engine stopped.
Quando cerco di fermarmi, non rispondono bene.
When I try to stop, they don't respond well.
When I try to stop, they don't respond well.
Loro chiedono aiuto quando non capiscono.
They ask for help when they don't understand.
They ask for help when they don't understand.
Lei ha sorriso quando le ho mostrato la foto.
She smiled when I showed her the picture.
She smiled when I showed her the picture.
Cerca di vestirti elegante quando devi prendere un volo.
Try to dress nice when you go on a flight.
Try to dress nice when you go on a flight.
Tu capivi tutto quando eri giovane.
You used to understand everything when you were young.
You used to understand everything when you were young.
Siate attenti quando sarete per strada stasera.
Be careful when you take the road tonight.
Be careful when you take the road tonight.
Lei si sveglierà quando la sua sveglia si spegne.
She will wake up when her alarm goes off.
She will wake up when her alarm goes off.
Il pavimento diventa scivoloso quando è bagnato.
The floor becomes slippery when it is wet.
The floor becomes slippery when it is wet.
Tu riderai quando smetterai di essere così serio.
You will laugh when you stop being so serious.
You will laugh when you stop being so serious.
Quando crescerai, tu potrai guidare una macchina.
When you grow up, you will be able to drive a car.
When you grow up, you will be able to drive a car.
Io andrò a casa quando finirò di raccogliere i fiori.
I will go home when I will be done picking flowers.
I will go home when I will be done picking flowers.
Io ho pianto dalla felicità quando l'aereo è arrivato.
I cried out of happiness when the plane arrived.
I cried out of happiness when the plane arrived.
Tu gridavi quando scivolavamo giù dalla collina.
You were yelling when we were sliding down the hill.
You were yelling when we were sliding down the hill.
Noi ci vestiremo quando dovremo uscire di casa.
We will get dressed when we have to get out of the house.
We will get dressed when we have to get out of the house.
Tu giocavi sempre nel parco quando eri piccolo.
You used to always play in the park when you were little.
You used to always play in the park when you were little.
Sì, sono arrivata all'aeroporto quando l'aereo stava decollando.
Yes, I got to the airport when the plane took off.
Yes, I got to the airport when the plane took off.
I bambini si divertono quando stanno nel parco giochi.
The children have fun when they are on the playground.
The children have fun when they are on the playground.
Mi irrita che tu non chieda aiuto quando ne hai bisogno.
It annoys me that you don't ask for help when you need it.
It annoys me that you don't ask for help when you need it.