How to say Where in Italian?
What does Dove mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Va bene, dove si trova?
Alright, where are you?
Alright, where are you?
Dove posso pagare il conto?
Where can I pay the bill?
Where can I pay the bill?
Sì, e dove ci incontriamo?
Yes, and where do we meet?
Yes, and where do we meet?
Oh, bene! Dove sei stata?
Oh, great! Where did you go?
Oh, great! Where did you go?
Ah! Fantastico! Dove lavori?
Ah! Awesome! Where do you work?
Ah! Awesome! Where do you work?
Oh! E dove vuole andare?
Oh! And where do you want to go?
Oh! And where do you want to go?
Dove va il treno?
Where is the train heading to?
Where is the train heading to?
Oh, capisco. Dove lavori?
Oh, I understand. Where do you work?
Oh, I understand. Where do you work?
Dove posso mettere la mia valigia?
Where can I put my suitcase?
Where can I put my suitcase?
Lei sa dove si trova la spiaggia?
Do you know where the beach is?
Do you know where the beach is?
Buongiorno! Dove vuole andare?
Hello! Where would you like to go?
Hello! Where would you like to go?
Dove vuoi andare questa sera?
Where do you want to go tonight?
Where do you want to go tonight?
Molto bravi. Dove dormono i bambini?
Very smart. Where do the kids sleep?
Very smart. Where do the kids sleep?
No, è vero. Dove vuole inviarla?
No, that's true. Where do you want to send it?
No, that's true. Where do you want to send it?
Grazie, signore. E dove si trova il bagno?
Thank you, sir. And where are the restrooms?
Thank you, sir. And where are the restrooms?
Mi piace! Dove hai comprato gli armadietti?
I like it! Where did you buy the cabinets?
I like it! Where did you buy the cabinets?
Non vedo alcun punto. Dove li trovano?
I don't see any points. Where do they find them?
I don't see any points. Where do they find them?
Dove sta la macchina? Essa si trova nel garage.
Where is the car? It is in the garage.
Where is the car? It is in the garage.
Ciao! È molto tempo che non ci si vede! Dove sei stata?
Hi! Long time no see! Where have you been?
Hi! Long time no see! Where have you been?
Dove si trova Franco? Non l'ho visto questa mattina...
Where is Franco? I didn't see him this morning...
Where is Franco? I didn't see him this morning...