Learn Spanish: Who? Adverbs
Spanish translations with examples in context, native recordings and images.

alguien sentado cerca de los rieles del tren.
There is someone sitting close to the train tracks. More ExamplesNo hay
nadie en el teatro.
There is nobody in the theatre. More ExamplesSolamente hay una
persona en la clase.
There is only one person in the classroom. More ExamplesA
todo el mundo le gusta el verano.
Everyone loves summer. More ExamplesNo hay mucha
gente en el cine.
There aren't a lot of people at the movie theatre. More ExamplesHay
algo pesado en esta caja.
There is something heavy in this box. More ExamplesNo hay
nada en la habitación.
There is nothing in the room. More ExamplesTodo lo que nos pertenece está en estas cajas.
Everything we own is in these boxes. More ExamplesElla trae una
cosa al campo.
She is bringing a thing in the field. More Examples