How to say Wife in Spanish?

What does Esposa mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Wife” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Mujer”?

Wife is translated in Spanish by...

La esposa (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Sí, tengo una esposa. Estoy casado.
Yes, I have a wife. I am married.

More Example Sentences.

Mi esposa también está muy feliz.
My wife is very happy too.
Voy a ver la obra con mi esposa.
I'm going to see the play with my wife.
¡Incluso conocí a mi esposa en un sitio de citas en línea!
I even met my wife on an online dating site!
Dejé a mi esposa, y a mi madre con mis dos hijos en casa.
I've left my wife, my mother with my two children at home.
Su esposa, Narcissa, ayudaba mucho con las tareas domésticas.
His wife Narcissa helped greatly with the household chores.
Conoció a su esposa tan solo seis meses después de dejar la banda.
He met his wife only six months after he left the band.
No tuvo la oportunidad de avisarle a su esposa que regresaría.
He didn't have a chance to announce his wife he was coming back.
En realidad, es más que nada mi esposa quien piensa que es un mal hábito.
Actually, it's mostly my wife who thinks it's a bad habit.
Si se hubiera quedado en la banda, nunca habría conocido a su esposa.
If he had stayed in the band, he would have never met his wife.
Llegó a casa y llamó a la puerta. Escuchó a su esposa gritar: ¿Quién es?
He came home and knocked on the door. He heard his wife yelling: Who is it?
Tengo que encontrar mi anillo de bodas sin que mi esposa se dé cuenta de que lo perdí.
I have to find my wedding ring without my wife realizing I lost it.
Si mi esposa descubre que perdí mi anillo de bodas, se enojará muchísimo conmigo.
If my wife finds out I lost my wedding ring, she'll be very angry with me.
Después de un rato, mi esposa se vuelve hacia mí y me pregunta: ¿Qué estás buscando, cariño?
After a while, my wife turns to me and asks: What are you looking for, darling?
Había una vez un leñador que vivía en la cima de una montaña con su esposa y dos hijos.
There was once a lumberjack who lived on top of a mountain with his wife and two sons.
Había dejado a su esposa, a sus dos hijos, y a su madre, para ir a pelear contra un país invasor.
He had left his wife, his two children, and his mother, to go to war against an invading country.
Su esposa también le enviaba fotos de sus dos hijos, para que pudiera ver lo mucho que estaban creciendo.
His wife also sent him pictures of his two children, so he could see how big they were getting.

Wife can also be translated in Spanish by...


Example Sentences in Context.

Llamo a mi mujer.
I am calling my wife.
¡Su mujer está dando a luz!
His wife is in labor!
Solamente para mi mujer y para mí.
Only for my wife and I.


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