How to say Winter in French?

What does Hiver mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Winter” in French? What is the meaning of “Hiver”?

Winter is translated in French by...

L'hiver (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Ouais, tu as raison. Je déteste l'hiver.
Yeah, you're right. I hate winter.
Nous irons en Suisse l'hiver prochain.
We will go to Switzerland next winter.
Je n'aurais pas froid si j'avais mis un manteau d'hiver.
I wouldn't be cold if I had put a winter coat on.
Nous avions peint la chambre de notre nouveau bébé avant l'hiver.
We had painted our new baby's bedroom before the winter.

More Example Sentences.

Je ne voudrais surtout pas qu'il me morde, alors je vais enfiler ma tenue d'hiver.
I wouldn't want him to bite me, so I go put on my winter clothes.
Où vont les oies en hiver?
Where do geese go in the winter?
Les fraises ne poussent pas ici en hiver.
Strawberries don't grow here in the winter.
Comment les écureuils survivent-ils pendant l'hiver froid?
How do squirrels survive in the cold winter?


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