How to say Winter in Spanish?
What does Invierno mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Winter is translated in Spanish by...
El invierno (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
No hay nieve durante el invierno.
There is no snow during the winter.
There is no snow during the winter.
Iremos a Guatemala el próximo invierno.
We will go to Guatemala next winter.
We will go to Guatemala next winter.
More Example Sentences.
No quiero que me muerda, así que me pongo mi ropa de invierno.
I wouldn't want him to bite me, so I go put on my winter clothes.
I wouldn't want him to bite me, so I go put on my winter clothes.
¿A dónde van los gansos en el invierno?
Where do geese go in the winter?
Where do geese go in the winter?
Las fresas no crecen aquí en invierno.
Strawberries don't grow here in the winter.
Strawberries don't grow here in the winter.
¿Cómo sobreviven las ardillas en el frío invierno?
How do squirrels survive in the cold winter?
How do squirrels survive in the cold winter?