How to say Woman in French?
What does Femme mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

Woman is translated in French by...

The woman
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Do you remember if the robber was a man or a woman?
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Don't worry, it's a very safe country for a young woman.

Lily was also one of the most beautiful woman in her college.

A woman and her teenage son decide to help me look for him.

Thanks to the kindness of this young woman, my trip won't be ruined.

I leave my room and I run to thank the young woman once again!

The palace doctors were very worried about the young woman's health.

I thank the young woman and I go back to do some research on the internet.

The shaman finally found a beautiful and clear-eyed young woman named Indajani.

The second evening, I cross path with the young woman I had met in the hotel lobby.

The young woman traveled more than 20 kilometers to take the letter to the shaman, begging him to help them.