How to say Worse in French?
What does Pire mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Worse is translated in French by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
L'orage est pire que prévu.
The storm is worse than expected.
The storm is worse than expected.
Tu es pire que moi à la danse.
You are worse at dancing than I am.
You are worse at dancing than I am.
La douleur est pire que d'habitude.
The pain is worse than usual.
The pain is worse than usual.
More Example Sentences.
Il n'y a rien de pire.
It doesn't get any worse.
It doesn't get any worse.
Pire encore, tout le week-end?
Worse yet, all weekend?
Worse yet, all weekend?
L'odeur est pire que jamais.
The smell is worse than ever.
The smell is worse than ever.
Ça ne peut pas être pire que le jus de tomates!
It can't be any worse than tomato juice!
It can't be any worse than tomato juice!