How to say Yard in German?

What does Hof mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Yard” in German? What is the meaning of “Hof”?

Yard is translated in German by...

Der Hof (m)

Example Sentences in Context.

Wenn sie in den Innenhof kommen, beginne ich zu rennen und verscheuche sie.
When they come in the courtyard, I start running and scare them away.
Ich gehe hinaus auf den Hof und begebe mich unter die Sonne, um den Zustand meiner Jacke zu betrachten.
I go out into the backyard and I put myself under the sun to see the state of my cardigan.
Als ich den Schulhof betrete, stehen die anderen Schüler bereits Schlange, um in die Klassenräume zu gehen.
When I enter the schoolyard , the other students are already in line to go into the classes.


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Yard Vocabulary in German.