How to say Year in French?
What does Année mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

Year is translated in French by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

He will travel a lot next year.

There are two weeks of paid holidays a year.

She will win the competition again this year.

He fought professionally for many years.

You had grown a lot in those few years.

Yes. My older boy started school last year.

She will have translated dozens of books by the end of the year.
More Example Sentences.

The sun shines most days of the year.

I am not sure who I will vote for this year.

The world has changed so much in a few years.

I have spent the last 15 years of my life here.

But in these two years, we have hardly spoken.

Many countries have merged in the past few years.

He had noticed that smell for many years.

In the last two years, I was able to observe her.

The years went by and his reign remained strong.

I wish it could be Halloween every day of the year.

It's the only day in the entire year that I can be myself.

I just finished the last day of school of the year!

Years went by and every summer Max went back to his uncle's farm.

He met a beautiful queen and his offspring reigned for years.

They both had been working in the same mining site for many years.

The king decided to suspend the dance, which had been held on the same day every year.