How to say Yesterday in Spanish?

What does Ayer mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Yesterday” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Ayer”?

Yesterday is translated in Spanish by...


Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Ayer se hizo el cambio de aceite.
I had an oil change yesterday.
Estoy aun más feliz que ayer.
I am even happier than yesterday.
Ayer ella se acostó demasiado tarde.
She went to bed too late yesterday.
Ella tiene dolor de cabeza desde ayer.
She has a headache since yesterday.
Sí, pero mi habitación no fue arreglada ayer.
Yes, but my room wasn't made up yesterday.
No me gustó el almuerzo de ayer, pero me gusta este.
I didn't like yesterday's lunch, but I like this one.


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