How to say Young in German?
What does Jung mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Young is translated in German by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

They are young.

Sabrina is younger than Tom.

We were (have been) young.

I lived on a farm when I was younger.

I knew him when he was young.

He is too young to decide.

I used to play guitar when I was young.

You understood everything when you were young.

When you were young, you loved to go to school

She has helped some young students with their homework.

Children have eaten the delicious fruits of that young tree.
More Example Sentences.

I was too young.

A young fighter.

When he was younger, he formed a band.

Mateo, the young pianist.

The young man said: Sure!

Like Lily, young Arlo was very smart.

He's young, strong and never gets tired.

Billy was a young, fast and strong donkey.

The young boys went out for walks in the afternoons.

She stepped on the young man's untied shoelace.

I have learned a lot from my mother at a very young age.

Once upon a time, there was a 17-year-old young man named Max.

That's what we learn in school from a very young age.

It could be a young couple who wants a portrait together.

The young man stood back up and accepted her apologies.

Don't worry, it's a very safe country for a young woman.

Topaz was recognized as a young king with an unbreakable spirit.

Mateo was a young man who was very passionate about music.

The palace doctors were very worried about the young woman's health.

The lumberjack, named Adam, had just turned 65 years old. He was not getting any younger.

In the 18th century, there was a young king who was only 25 years of age.

Thanks to the kindness of this young woman, my trip won't be ruined.

But on the contrary, the lazy young man's behavior ended up getting worse.

Uncle Paul owned the farm and had worked there since he was very young.

I thank the young woman and I go back to do some research on the internet.

At first, the young man seemed to doubt his mother, but he had always trusted her.

They entered the cabin and when the young boys saw them, they ran into their fathers' arms.